Under the weather and overloaded, but wanted to get this out to you . . . if you haven’t read it already.
Last November I wrote about how England, Sweden, and Finland are now clamping down on Transgender Clinics because there is no science to support the early transitioning of children with hormone blockers and invasive procedures. There I write about why the US might be dragging its feet. Thankfully, this might change because of one woman’s incredible courage.
Just as a whistleblower brought an end to the Tavistock Transgender Clinic in England, an insider at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital is courageously speaking out about what she witnessed firsthand as a caseworker at the clinic.
I want to prod you with a few questions related to this, but please be sure to read this article posted by the very credible online media source The Free Press.
One of the subscribers to Tsunami Surfing emailed today with the following:
It's only a matter of time and a LOT of anguish until the backlash emerges on to the public conscience. Then there will legal, civil and personal/family wars of all kinds. Will the church be ready to receive, care for, restore hope and bring restoration to these dear suffering people?????? These are God's opportunities and not just Satan's playground!
Tremendous questions. Awareness seems to be the key.
Most churches are not even well-equipped to deal with basic ministry to the sexually abused, confused, and addicted. But the starting point for a church, it seems to me, would be:
Becoming well informed of the current debate around the proper care for the gender dysphoric.
Being aware of who has been victimized and allowing them to grieve.
Advocating for those who have been manipulated, deceived, and harmed.
Looking beyond political divisions of red and blue, and creating a movement to outlaw this practice.
A starting point might simply be passing on this article or the one from The Free Press to those you know.
Paid subscribers, if you have other ideas, please leave comments below.
Yeah, these decisions shouldn't be made in childhood. It's always a good idea to be more prepared as a church to address sexual issues.
Hi Mark. Great post and link to the article. I will use both of these in my upcoming "Conversations in Culture" evening on the 26th. My question is, where can I go to get something more specific on the 3rd and 4th bullet points? I am more than willing to advocate for those who have been harmed and to be a part of a move to outlaw this practice but how do we do that?