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As Patrick Carnes predicted years ago, a “sexual tsunami” has slammed the shores of our culture. In its destructive wake one finds a rising number of the sexually addicted, abused and confused. How are Christian pastors, counselors and other leaders to respond?

This blog will provide information, inspiration, prayer practices, insights from the sciences, and sound theology. Subscribe for free to receive blogposts in your inbox twice monthly and to have access to the website archive.

Beginning in April 2021, paid subscriptions will be an option. This will bring two more posts monthly, embracing some of the more controversial topics and allowing for comments, questions, and interaction. Being a paid subscription will screen out the trolls who simply want to disrupt and distract. Occasional Zoom trainings will be offered as well. My hope is that the paid subscription track will serve as a Christian “think tank” on some of the more difficult issues we now face.

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Be part of a community of pastors, counselors, strugglers and survivors, seeking God’s grace in the midst of sexual chaos. The first 25 paid subscribers will receive a free copy of my book Pure Hearted: Banding Together for Sexual Wholeness.

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Ministry in the Flood of Sexual Chaos


Pastor, Counselor for Sexual Issues, Author of 'Into the Light: Healing Sexuality in Today's Church', and 'Pure Hearted: Banding Together for Sexual Wholeness'