You have women like Suzanna Wesley who have been instrumental in spiritually molding their children. So, I think it should have always been a job of BOTH mothers and fathers to guide their children spiritually. I believe the American Christian church is facing a crisis of credibility right now. The main reason it is losing attendance is due to it exchanging spiritual power and authority for the pursuit of earthly political power. That's always been a losing battle every time the church has chosen that path through history.

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So, my husband and I read this. He can’t leave carpentry to have a desk job he can do from home. But there are other things we can change to go backwards from the Industrial Revolution and live more “pioneer”. The biggest thing which came to my mind was getting rid of the biggest byproduct of the Industrial Revolution- “stuff”. There’s just so much stuff. An absurd amount of toys, clothes, gear, etc, that just fills our house and makes us anxious. While talking about it we realized we see symptoms of anxiety in our children and we think that minimalism and simplicity could really change things! Simplifying possessions and streamlining activities, having less toys so more play is involving doing real things- kneading daily bread instead of play doh for example. I’m already a stay at home, homeschool mom. My husband is home as much as possible and very involved with the kids and loves them every minute of his time with them. He doesn’t get morning Bible time with them much, but he leads dinner prayer and bedtime prayer. We’re not ready to cancel the WiFi but I could start shopping for a dumb phone. Thanks Mark.

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Yeah, I agree that the decline in attendance does go back to the Moral Majority of the 80s as well. The church is often perceived as hypocritical. I know people like you and I are trying to be more transparent to show that we aren't claiming to be better than other people.

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