Wow! People will read headlines and sides will be chosen, though as you so well articulated the deep pain on all sides. Holding my tongue and grieve over the brokenness of the church. I am in the UK and attending an Anglican Church that holds true to the Scriptures and the tension is slowly building for a parting of ways. More pain, more grieving. Lord have mercy on us!

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Knowing somewhat the history of the Church of England, it is so sad to see this rending of the ecclesial fabric. The foundational work of Latimer, Cranmer, et al, made much room to agree to disagree and still be orthodox in belief. May grace abound in the midst of the tearing, brother.

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May 4Liked by Mark Ongley

Discerning our period of history . . . . Brother Timothy, begging your permission, and not being formally a Methodist (although very much of parallel belief and conviction), I humbly suggest a revisit of the various periods of history that were (and still are) riff with heart wrenching division and apostacy. You mention that the Anglican Church in England is slowly building to a parting of the ways. As you are probably aware, the Episcopal Church in the U. S. went through this kind of a division back in the 80’s-90’s with an ongoing parting of the ways in the 2,000’s. But instead of a “falling apart” it produced a “coming together” that, frankly, was unexpected and unplanned, producing a world level movement: GAFCON GLOBAL ANGLICANS (something akin to the new GMC, maybe.) This is the historic ‘Ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda,’ which means, ‘the church reformed, always reforming.’ As a result, now, because people are worn out by all the worship wars, power politicking, pervasive sexual immorality and deviance, financial irresponsibility – all under the umbrella of ‘the church’ – people are migrating to something that does NOT change from Sunday to Sunday at the whims of whomever is in charge . . . . they are migrating to the historic liturgical traditions with the result that the Anglican Church in North America is growing and expanding in unheard of ways. The same is happening in Africa. And – hard to believe – the historic Orthodox Church is now also in a growth mode that they are struggling to keep up with, and with MEN leading the way in the return to the church. Finally, it seems that “hopelessness” in religion has hit rock bottom. The most recent surveys and studies indicate that people are starting to return not just to “spirituality,” but also to churches and finding hope, roots, faith. I write these things as an encouraging word. It is sooooo difficult to live through divisions . . . . I know. I have lived through too many of them, mostly as an observer, but no less wounded. But recent history is demonstrating that the only institution that has lasted 2,000 years will last another 1,000 if that is what God ordains and the gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against it. Let us suffer boldly, weep openly, decide discerningly while conflicted, move forward humbly while limping and even falling, crying out to the Lord of the Harvest no matter how weak or unstructured our prayers may seem. The Lord of Hosts is with us! The God Jacob is our Refuge! (Please forgive this long, probably decontextualized post, written hopefully with the best of intentions.)

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Mark, thanks for sharing this part of your journey. You know how my experience is similar to yours. What is especially troubling in our experiences is how the denominational bodies practice realpolitik to trample the minority dissenters. What is supposed to be dialogue is actually indoctrination. Rules are changed to squelch any opposition voice. As usual, the Babylon Bee nailed it: United Methodist Church Divides Over Whether to Remain Christian.

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You've been there, done that, and have the blisters on your heart, brother. I hope the UMC doesn't follow the ELCA path of intimidation and conformity in the years ahead.

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May 2Liked by Mark Ongley

Me, too.

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Amen! What a sad commentary! "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Need I say more?

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Certainly more could be said, especially on the factors and dynamics within the UMC over the last century which have created this mess. Some of this could have been prevented if conservatives had attempted to do compassionate ministry to the sexually broken many years ago. But that never happened for a variety of reasons.

Thanks for being a paid subscriber, Jim!

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Thank you, brother Mark, for your vulnerability in pouring out your mental struggles with very real contradictions, and your heartfelt pain for the prolonged battles and ongoing agonizing losses in the very citadels where one would hope to find stalwart bastions of trustworthy Biblical/historical truth, light and refuge. Not so! And so, multitudes of well-intentioned followers are thrown back into the chaos of somehow finding some footing, an island on which to stand based on their own limited resources. And the internet offers as much confusion as it does light. Where to turn? Who to trust? What is truth” (Pilot). This is truly a “time to weep, . . . . a time to mourn.” And even there, these days we have very few models, resources or venues for authentic Biblical lament, even though lament is an important component of the Old Testament. The Lord hears and receives your lament, dear brother Mark! And so do we. You are NOT alone! (Prayers!) We are reminded to “Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” Psalm 55:22, Proverbs 16:3, 1 Peter 5:7). And thank you that your post points forward with a robust and noteworthy theology of Biblical sexuality. What a valuable document, soooooooo needed, not only for the GMC, but for each and every church and Christian ministry. We now have orientation and certification for ministry with children; WHY NOT have the same for adults??? Your excellent theology of sexuality could be adapted and put into an media format for training and certification . . . . and it should be!!! This could and should be an entire ministry in and of itself!!! We have just finished reading two books that reveal in depth the profound, destructive impact of unaddressed sexual assault and predation in Christian churches, institutions, and families. 1. “The Detransition Diaries” by Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell. 2. “A Church Called TOV” by Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer. The time has come. We MUST have obligatory Christian, Adult, Biblical Sexual orientation and certification (renewable biannually) for ALL people in Christian ministry. If children must have certified leaders, well, so do the “children” who wear adult size clothing!!!!

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As always, we are of one heart and mind, dear brother. So much more to do! Peace to you and prayers for Gwen!

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